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Sundström 297 ABEK1 Filter
Sundström 297 ABEK1 Filter


Code: SR297
Brand: Sundstrom
Product Details

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  • Organic gas/inorganic gas/acid gas/ammonia filter class ABEK1.
  • Used against vapour from organic gases whose boiling point exceeds +65°C (150F), for inorganic gas, for acid gas, and for ammonia

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Description: Organic gas/inorganic gas/acid gas/ammonia filter class ABEK1
Product name: SR297
Use: Used against vapour from organic gases whose boiling point exceeds +65°C (150F), for inorganic gas, for acid gas, and for ammonia
Material: Plastic polypropylene. No metal parts
Weight: 162 g (5.7 oz)
Dimensions: Largest diameter: 106 mm (4.2"). Thickness: 36 mm (1.4")
Carbon: The filter contains 125 g (4.4 oz) activated carbon

Test Gas Conc (ppm) B'through (min) Stand. Req.
Carb tetrachl 1,000 90-100 80
Chlorine 1,000 40-50 20
Hyd. sulph. 1,000 100 40
Hyd. cyan. 1,000 55-60 25
Sulph. diox 1,000 40 20
Ammonia 1,000 60-70 50


Pressure drop: 30 l/min: 70-80 Pa (standards requrement: <100 Pa). 95 l/min: 270-300 Pa (standards requirement: <400 Pa)
Particle filter: If environment contains both particles and gas, a particle filter must be fitted to the front of the gas filter
Pre-filter: Pre-filter 221 and pre-filter holder 5153 should always be fitted
Storage period: 5 years if seal is unbroken. Expiry date printed on the filter
Storage: Store at room temperature in clean, dry place

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