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Fall Arrest Isn't A Lonely Job

17 Oct, 2024

When you're working with any kind of fall arrest system, you need to keep your friends close, and your coworkers closer. Even if you have the top-of-the-line system, you're never permitted to use it alone, because you need somebody else on site to ensure rescue procedures can be carried out. According to the WHSQ Code...

Respiratory Protective Equipment and You

28 Aug, 2024

It’s clearly recognised that we need clean air to survive and that exposure to toxins could cause irreparable damage to our health, but sometimes respiratory risks are not obvious or the damage to human respiratory systems occurs over a longer period of time, which is why choosing suitable respiratory protection is important for long term...

Hazards in Oil And Gas And Mining (Oh My!)

17 Jul, 2024

The oil and gas and mining industries are among the most hazardous when it comes to worker safety. A combination of harsh conditions, the presence of physical agents and an overabundance of manually demanding tasks create challenging environments that pose significant risk.  In any industrial setting, recognising and controlling hazards is critical to providing a...

Chemicals in the Workplace

3 Jul, 2024

Chemicals play a vital role in many industries, contributing significantly to a wide range of manufacturing processes and work methods. They are integral components in numerous sectors, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, construction, and many more. However, their usage also brings about several potential exposure situations for workers. It‘s almost impossible to imagine an industry that doesn‘t...

Glovein' the Cold?

19 Jun, 2024

As much as you'd glove to think otherwise, hand protection is a complex field, and not every glove is suited for every purpose, particularly chemical-resistant gloves. Within many industrial environments or applications, the risk of variable temperatures can be as important as the primary chemical hazard. Understanding how chemical gloves behave and interact with both...

You Kneed Proper Protection

3 Jun, 2024

Across Australia and New Zealand, knee protection is crucial in physically demanding industries. According to SafeWork Australia, this is a major concern in those roles that require prolonged kneeling, squatting, crouching, and working in confined spaces or on uneven surfaces, which can significantly strain and injure the knees if appropriate protective measures are not taken. This...

Selecting the Right Gloves When Working With Electricity

15 May, 2024

Working with electricity is an inherently hazardous undertaking. Electrical risk incorporates the danger of death, shock or other injury caused by electricity – through either direct or indirect exposure. The potential seriousness of these injuries requires the use of safety precautions and control measures designed to eliminate risk in the working environment. Key to this...

Filter Selection Guide - Respiratory Protection

18 Apr, 2024

Fit testing is important, but there's more to a fit than just your mask. Cartridges and filters remove contaminants from the air you breathe, but they aren't one-size-fits-all - there's a lot of different types, and they aren't all interchangeable.  Which filter do I need? Understanding the different types of particulate filters and gas and...

How To Use Different Bandage Types

28 Mar, 2024

Bandages are an essential medical supply for any first aid kit. They allow for the effective provision of wound care for a variety of different injuries and facilitate the wound healing process.  A number of bandages are available, with different types intended for specific purposes and for application to specific body parts. Knowing which bandages...

Safety for the DIY Tradie

15 Mar, 2024

We all know you need to stay safe on the job, but how safe are you when doing your DIY projects? It's easy to forget how dangerous odd jobs around the house can be, and any enterprising DIY tradie needs to put their safety first just the same as a professional.   Do I really...